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Money and Monkey Business - Part II

Posted by Business Opportunities

All of us must admit that money is the driving force of this country as well as every other. Likewise, we as a people are working tirelessly to obtain, yes, a weekly paycheck or some type of wage or salary-that is MONEY. I know that I am! How about you? See it does not matter whether it is an online Kahoona such as Google or an offline presence such as the New York Stock Exchange, most businesses view MONEY as the measuring stick or gauge by which SUCCESS is ultimately measured. However, we must remember behind every dollar bill there stands a PERSON holding it in their grasp, either legally or illegally.

It is PEOPLE who comprise, make up, and are the backbone of ALL business, industry, and trade. Therefore, the credentials of the person(s) for hire, or already on your team NOW is of extreme importance, and cannot be emphasized or stated enough. The worker or business person must bring to the table not only a resume of knowledge and experience, but also a moral code of work ethics, excellence, and integrity. If not, MONKEY BUSINESS may just come into play in your business.

This has become especially true as of late for a majority of online as well as offline businesses. See I remember a time when spam was simply just a food. However, in this modern and computer technological age of the Internet, SPAM is something we all STILL want to AVOID! Spam can be defined as the ABUSE of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately (reference: Wikipedia.com). Furthermore, this type of monkey business is becoming more widespread and is now involving all types of electronic media.

So with this computer savvy age of internet business and even in local businesses, we find a multitude of people swinging from trees engaging in illegal and unethical business practices such as invading other peoples privacy through CREDIT CARD THEFT, IDENTITY THEFT, SPYWARE, COMPUTER VIRUSES and all sorts of INTERNET MONEY MAKING SCAMS and FRAUD, and all for what? MONEY or INFORMATION! So with a desperate economy has come a greater rise of desperate people, and on the internet you will find them riding on TROJAN HORSES.

So what are we to do, especially with a billion dollar industry such as the internet, and unlike our present day job market, that is not showing a decline in the number of jobs, but are steadily promising even more work at home opportunities? I believe where business is concerned, it must be summed up and measured by the character of the person(s), worker(s), businessman or woman. So here is what the Bible has to say about making the right business as well as personal choices, connections, and relationships.

In the Book of Exodus 18:21, God tells leader and a.k.a C.E.O. businessman Moses, "Moreover you shall provide out of all the people (i.e. applicants) able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness (i.e. greedily desiring something that belongs to another). Therefore, moral excellence, truth, and a healthy fear of God and respect for one another is KEY to working together in a spirit of unity. Here we will find that goals and visions are shared, weaknesses in workers are not played upon, but are met by others strengths, and where diversity in the workplace is embraced, and all making for happy consumers and a community of people.

Finally, all businesses were created with equal rights, but not all are operating under legal rights. So watch out for all those monkeys out there swinging from money trees and scratching their greedy bellies, and all for the love of MONEY!

For more, just check out my websites as listed below!
www.wisdom2money.com [http://www.wisdom2money.com]
www.bibleandworldblog.com [http://www.bibleandworldblog.com]
Happy reading, and Enjoy!

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